Mr. Feeny Quote #134
Quote from Mr. Feeny in No Guts, No Cory
Mr. Feeny: Oh, and during the lull in the fighting, I'd like a thousand-word essay on what I did during my summer in Europe.
Boy Meets World Quotes
‘No Guts, No Cory’ Quotes
Quote from Mr. Feeny
Mr. Feeny: Well, Shawn marrying Topanga. This is weird. On the other hand, who would have thought that as principal I could perform marriages?
Quote from Shawn
Cory: You listened to Feeny.
Shawn: Oh my God, I listened to Feeny.
Quote from Eric
Eric: Everybody's doing their part in this war. I want to help. I'm going to go back to that recruitment office and tell them that a little case of flat feet isn't going to stop Eric Matthews from fighting those evil Canadians.