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The Untethered Sole

‘The Untethered Sole’

Season 5, Episode 13 - Aired March 15, 2019

The Bluths are back in the media spotlight after Buster is arrested on murder charges. As Michael tries to squeeze cash out of Fakeblock to pay for Buster's legal defense, George Sr. and Lucille are worried about paying back their Chinese investors.

Quote from Michael

George Michael: Now we have a contract to fulfill?
Michael: I know that I told you you'd have time to get the software all worked out, but it is looking like we're gonna need it in a month.
George Michael: A month?
Michael: Yeah, I was hoping to stall for six, but your uncle announced an unveiling in two weeks. The upside is, after this, we're gonna be able to free up capital, get you some tech guys. I got some friends in mapping I can talk to when they come up for air.


Quote from Michael

Michael: You just need to make the software. I should have told you, but, it just seemed like something that you might have a knee-jerk overreaction to. [chuckles] I can tell you what your grandmother would do. Um-
George Michael: You're fired.
Michael: Yes, she does go right there, but obviously I don't think that you would go that far. Although you do have more shares than me, so technically you could fire me.
George Michael: I just did.
Adhir: Yup. This is how it ended for the honeybee, as well.
Narrator: And that's when Michael decided he deserved to use what was going to be...
Michael: [to Adhir] You're fired.
Narrator: ...the Christmas present he'd been saving for his mother.

Quote from Tobias

Narrator: In fact, Tobias would've taken any job at that moment, as his current living arrangement was tense, indeed.
[Montage of Tobias and his troupe as elderly women set to an instrumental version of The Golden Girls theme tune "Thank You For Being a Friend"]
Narrator: Something that is really only clear without the quick editing and carefree score.

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