Barry Zuckerkorn Quote #66

Quote from Barry Zuckerkorn in Saving for Arraignment Day

Michael: We'd like to plead not guilty, Your Honor.
Jack Griffin: Not guilty? You hired us to plead not guilty?
Anita Bramwell: [socffs] Well, that's a first.
Michael: Barry, what's going on?
Barry: Yeah?
Michael: What's happening?
Barry: You didn't want to plead guilty?
Lucille: Of course not! Buster's not guilty.
Barry: Well, then, these are not the guys. No, I thought I told you that if I was guilty, then I would hire these guys, 'cause they get the best sentences.
Michael: You're saying these guys cannot represent us in in a not guilty plea?
Barry: Why would you want to pay them for two months? I don't think they've ever been on a case that long.
Narrator: Which was the same problem the producers of the Netflix series had, and actually why it was canceled before the end of the main title.
George Sr.: Oh, honest to God, Barry...


 ‘Saving for Arraignment Day’ Quotes

Quote from Barry Zuckerkorn

Jack Griffin: Your Honor, in the case of The State of California v. Buster Bluth, we'd like to enter a plea of guilty.
Judge Spencer: Hmm. Okay. Let's set a date for a sentencing presentation. And on a personal note, I just want to say that it is not often in the course of a jurisprudence career that a judge has the... I want to say privilege-
Michael: Sorry. Did- Did- Did you say- Did they say guilty?
Barry: Look at that. There is always a guy who wants to know what's going on. It's why I could never go to the movies with my father.

Quote from Lucille

Buster: [singsong] Mother Is there anybody else you'd like to say hello to, Mother?
Lucille: At least I came to your trial. For mine, you were too busy juicing it up with that woman you probably pushed...
Buster: [singsong] Careful.
Lucille: Yep. You look different.
Buster: I'm growing dreads, Mother. Dreads right out of my head.
Lucille: Just because you have an African-American left hand, all of a sudden you're Ray Charles? And I thought you Alibaba-ed one that was less threatening.

Quote from Narrator

Narrator: Lucille could tell there was tension among her boyfriend's staff, and she felt compelled to say...
Lucille: How rich is this sand hobo?
Narrator: Well, yeah, she did say that. But about the staff, she also said...
Lucille: I'm going to [bleep] him.
Narrator: Oh, ap- apologies. I don't know why I thought she said something about the staff.