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Quote from Barry Zuckerkorn in Saving for Arraignment Day

Michael: We'd like to plead not guilty, Your Honor.
Jack Griffin: Not guilty? You hired us to plead not guilty?
Anita Bramwell: [socffs] Well, that's a first.
Michael: Barry, what's going on?
Barry: Yeah?
Michael: What's happening?
Barry: You didn't want to plead guilty?
Lucille: Of course not! Buster's not guilty.
Barry: Well, then, these are not the guys. No, I thought I told you that if I was guilty, then I would hire these guys, 'cause they get the best sentences.
Michael: You're saying these guys cannot represent us in in a not guilty plea?
Barry: Why would you want to pay them for two months? I don't think they've ever been on a case that long.
Narrator: Which was the same problem the producers of the Netflix series had, and actually why it was canceled before the end of the main title.
George Sr.: Oh, honest to God, Barry...

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