Barry Zuckerkorn Quote #8
Quote from Barry Zuckerkorn in Beef Consomme
Barry: I'm sorry, sorry. I'm so late. I had another hearing. Here's the good news, I think I'm gonna get off, huh? I have a good lawyer. You look great in red. Okay. "Anyhoo," what are we doing here? What's the plan?
Lucille: The plan? You're our lawyer.
Barry: It's a figure of speech. You're gonna be fine.
Arrested Development Quotes
‘Beef Consomme’ Quotes
Quote from Lucille
Narrator: George Michael, having failed to get the information he needed from anyone else made the ultimate sacrifice and went to the keeper of the family secrets.
George Michael: So, uh, it's about Maeby.
Lucille: Oh! That's a lost cause. But you get what you pay for, huh?
George Michael: Yeah. Wait. What- What do you mean, "pay"?
Lucille: Fertility tests, lab fees, donors and implants. She's not real. She was made in a cup. Like soup. A hundred and thirty thousand dollar cup of soup. How do you like them egg rolls, Mr. Goldstone? All I know is it took an extra year before we could add a den.
George Michael: So are you saying we're not directly related?
Lucille: I'm saying she already spent her inheritance getting here.
Quote from Tobias
Narrator: Meanwhile, Tobias told Lindsay that he couldn't do the part.
Tobias: It plays naked, okay?
Lindsay: Tobias, we're gonna have to deal with this sometime. I mean, I understand you not wanting to do it on film but you can't even get undressed in front of me.
Tobias: It is not you, Lindsay. I can't get undressed alone. I can't get undressed by myself. I mean, this is a real affliction. I'm sorry it's not recognized here in the states. But I know for a fact that there are two members of German Parliament. They're called "nein wohlstandig" nude. But they're German, so... They speak German, so they have a different...
Quote from Gob
Buster: So, you're, uh you're not with Marta anymore?
Gob: Well, my plan is to get her wanting me but bad, and then I spring it on her. "I know you've been cheating on me, and you just cost yourself one fine man. And one fine CD of him singing 'Love is in the Air'."