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Quote from Michael in The Fallout

Michael: Meanwhile, I grow up thinking I'm a hero, and I turn out to be a killer.
Lucille: You didn't kill anyone.
Michael: No, no. I think I did. I think they're probably on their way to come lock me up right now.
Lucille: Lottie's not going to reopen the case.
Michael: Mom, I just confessed in there.
Lucille: That you were drugged and don't fully remember.
Michael: But why did I change shirts? Why did I say I lost control?
Lucille: Michael, they've got nothing. No body. It's a mistrial. It's over. Dusty told me. Two brothers can't be charged for the same crime.
Michael: Well, I hate to say it, but you may have been getting better advice from Barry.

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