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Quote from Michael in Blockheads

Narrator: And so fortified with Maeby's information that Rebel was breaking up with her other beau...
Michael: Hello.
Rebel: Michael.
Narrator: ...Michael decided to move things along.
Michael: I think that I've been coming on a little bit too strong. I got a lot going on, I got the movie. You know, a bunch of stuff with the housing complex, and I'm just I'm not gonna be pressuring you anymore. I want to just keep it easy-peasy.
Rebel: Cool, totally.
Michael: Yeah. Keep it loose.
Rebel: Yeah.
Michael: And we'll have some fun with, you know... If the fun, you know... Someday, one day, it gets more serious, you know, then it does, and we... We're walking down the aisle, you know, and... I'm saying it wrong, saying it wrong, 'cause I get, I get tongue-tied, because I think that you are coming on too strong. You know? Bugging me.
Rebel: You want to come in?
Michael: No.
Rebel: Ooh.
Michael: Yeah? Yeah.
Narrator: It was the best sex Michael ever had.

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