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Quote from Buster in Off the Hook

Narrator: It seems the Army had taken advantage of Buster's childlike interest in games.
Buster: This is so much more fun than Guess the Fur.
Narrator: And his childlike inability to distinguish between games and reality.
Buster: Oh! [chuckles]
Narrator: So they set him up as a drone pilot here.
Colonel Smalls: Want to go to lunch, Private Bluth?
Buster: Not till I take out the hospital!
Colonel Smalls: I tell you, this kid's amazing. If I had him back in the '60s, Cuba would be the 51st state.
Buster: You're not gonna get away from me, little nurse! Ah!
Narrator: He had been playing for 47 straight hours.
Buster: Take that, Taliban wedding!
Narrator: But like anyone who plays video games for too long, he started to make mistakes.
Trippler: Hey, Bluth, you just took out an art museum in Madrid.
Buster: You can go to Spain in this thing?
Trippler: Maybe you should take a break. You could've hurt some innocent people.
Buster: Innocent people? You mean I've been hurting guilty people?

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