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Quote from Maeby in Senoritis

Narrator: As it turns out, the exchange was witnessed by Herbert Love's campaign manager, who, in possession of a third-party check from Gangie 4: Facelift, was looking to trade some greenbacks-
Man: Ma'am, is she yours?
Narrator: ...for a redhead.
Maeby: Unfortunately.
Man: Herbert Love would like to see her. You can arrange that? Obviously, discretion is appreciated.
Narrator: And that's how Maeby got both the seed money for her company...
Maeby: I'm the discreetiest.
Man: And just to be clear, I want to hire her for prostitution.
Maeby: Yes, no, definitely. That was clear. I'm gonna charge you for that.
Narrator: ...and became her mother's pimp.

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