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Quote from Maeby in Senoritis

Narrator: So she put her plan to put her graduation on hold on hold, and headed off to India, where she'd be working at what was once just her after-school job.
Maeby: Right. Okay, do we have to pay them in money or in rice?
Lynda: If they're in the union, you have to pay with rice.
Narrator: The movie she was supervising was the latest in her Terrifying Grandmother Gangie franchise, this one taking place in India.
Maeby: All right, I say we get 10,000 extras, and then that way we have it.
Lynda: We have it.
Maeby: Yeah, we have it.
Lynda: It's good to have it.
Tobias: [o.s.] I am going to start wearing this back home.
Maeby: You'd think someone would tell her to shave her arms, the poor thing.

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