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Quote from Gob in A New Attitude

Gob: How long has it been?
Ann: It's been five years.
Gob: What are you doing here?
Ann: I'm taking my 5-year-old to see Fantastic Four.
Gob: I'm pretty sure that's an adult- Wait, you have a five-year-old?
Ann: Oui.
Gob: What? We what?
Ann: No, oui. It's French for "yes." As in, "Yes, I have a son, and his father's a magician."
[mariachi band plays Simon and Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence"]
Gob: Oh. It's not us.
Ann: Don't worry, it's not you. It was a real magician. He took advantage of how angry I was when you wouldn't come out of that cave. He promised me a life together, and after he had his way with me, he never wanted to see me again. I don't think there's anything wonderful about Tony Wonder.
Gob: Are you kidding me? Are you saying-
Ann: Yes.
Gob: Tony's straight?
Narrator: Gob felt betrayed by a person he was starting to trust, and he decided to do something about it.
Gob: How would you like to spend the night making revenge love?

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