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Quote from Gob in Colony Collapse

Ann: So how did you like your egg?
Gob: I said you were fine.
Ann: So, was there something you wanted to talk about when you came in through my window? Gob, what is it?
Gob: What- What is it? I- You... It's the... The questions... You have so many of these... These questions that... That you keep asking for me... For- Should- Should I... Should I...? Should the... Should the guy... Should the guy in the... In the $32... In the $32 pink... Bath- Should the girl in the $6,000 tuxedo...
Narrator: Gob was uncomfortable with the question.
Gob: Should In the $32 In the $3,400... Should the guy... Come on, come on. Let's - Come on - Come on, come on Gob!
Ann: Calm down! Listen, we had a great night together. I understand if you need your freedom.
Gob: Well, marry me.
Ann: Yes. Yes, I'll marry you, Gob!
Narrator: Of course, Gob meant it in the showbizzy way his niece had always used when she was accused of being too young. But like many evangelicals, Ann took it literally.

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