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Quote from Lindsay in Indian Takers

Narrator: Lindsay and Tobias gathered with their new friends.
Waitress: Hi, y'all! This your first time...
Narrator: C. W Swappigan's, a chain that sprung up after the economic collapse.
Waitress: We are like a Salvation Army meets a soup kitchen, meets a gastro pub, meets a Marxist-or Leninist-type social structure. These are things that you can order and these are things that we will accept. As you see on the bottom, we don't have the fish, and we're not taking any more lava lamps. Uh-oh, I can see this one's got that deer-in-the-headlights look!
Lindsay: Oh, no. He just took some methadone. He thought he was driving with a cocktail tray. Speaking of that, how about mozzarella sticks for the table?
Waitress: Cocktail tray, light scratching, for mozzarella sticks.
Maitre D : Six, no sauce. [hits gavel]
Marky Bark: And maybe some sparkling water for the table.
Waitress: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. We're no longer taking hotel soaps.

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