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Quote from Michael in Making a Stand

Narrator: And later, Michael and Gob went to put their plan in action.
Michael: Well, I gave the Colombians back their money and I told them you had no right to make the deal. Have to warn you, though, they didn't sound too happy about it.
Gob: Let's just hope they don't try to get even by trying to"cirsumventing" the law.
George Sr.: What is that supposed to mean?
Gob: Kidnap or Michael said...
George Sr.: What, are you kidding? I have an ankle monitor. I can't even go into the hallway without the cops coming up. Stop it.
Michael: So, clearly you know what you're doing. There's an off chance they might just want to take you, leave the ankle. But anyhow. Stall him.

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