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Quote from Gob in For British Eyes Only

Narrator: And back at the penthouse, Gob had been called to see his father.
George Sr.: It's a new plan, right? You put me in the trick. You make me the guy in the cage.
Gob: Okay, I just got to say I'm really blown away by this. You really want to be part of my world.
George Sr.: I do.
Gob: God, I feel like my heart is straining through my shirt.
Michael: They take the ankle monitor off when I get to court, so you make me disappear, you put Tobias in the cage. And by the time they realize that that guy is not me, I'm running through the storm drains to freedom.
Gob: Where every day it rains pennies from heaven. [a dove flies out of Gob's breast pocket] It was a... bird day...

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