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Quote from George Michael in Spring Breakout

George Michael: Look, I don't want to ruin your fun, but I hate to see guys treat you like this. You're better than that. To me, anyway. You're-
Maeby: Awesome?
George Michael: No, I was gonna say you're... You're like this flower, and I know it's springtime but I just, I'd hate to see you get plucked by someone who doesn't even care that you're blossoming.
Maeby: That's what I've been waiting to hear. [kisses George Michael on the cheek and runs away]
Narrator: Maeby was referring to the dialogue but George Michael had just rediscovered his feelings for his cousin.
George Michael: [on the phone] Hi, Ann. It's-It's George Michael Bluth. Um, when you get back into town, we should talk.

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