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Quote from Gob in Spring Breakout

Michael: One heck of a trick you ended up pullin' in there, Gob.
Gob: Truthfully, that wasn't part of the act. I was actually trying to get the key to come out of my mouth.
Michael: That part was very surprising, but I'm talking about how you helped me get Dad out of there. Thanks to you, this family could end up being okay.
Narrator: And Gob had finally overcome his own low self-esteem.
Man: Hey, aren't you that magician who always embarrasses himself?
Gob: Not anymore. Not anymore. [falls into the pool]
Michael: Gob!
Narrator: But he lost it along with the exonerating evidence. [laughter]
Gob: They're laughing, Michael. They're laughing.
Narrator: And that's how you narrate a story.

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