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Quote from Maeby in Meat the Veals

Executive: I'm sorry. I can't read what you wrote on this buck slip. You've got the handwriting of a 15-year-old.
Maeby: Fifteen-year-old. Marry me!
Jeff: Hey, I'm almost done with that coverage. I can bring it to you tonight. Are you still at the Balboa Towers?
Narrator: Maeby had used her grandmother's address so as not to arouse suspicion at home. This required convincing the guard she was several years younger than her age.
Guard: Boy, you get a lot of mail from that movie studio.
Maeby: I write a lot of letters to movie stars.
Guard: You seem a little old for that.
Maeby: Babysit me.
Jeff: That place seems so old for you.
Maeby: I'll send Dr. Epstein your compliments. And may I add, marry me.
Jeff: Okay.
Narrator: And Maeby realized she might be in need of a new deflection.

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