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Quote from Buster in Queen for a Day

Narrator: And Buster, now convinced that Lucille 2 was the right woman for him, broke up with Starla.
Michael: You okay?
Buster: It was for the best anyway. A girl like that deserves to be taken care of, and I'm just a poor soldier.
Michael: You didn't sell your stock?
Buster: What? No. Your letter said not to and I would never want to hurt the family.
Narrator: And Michael realized his little brother deserved happiness more than anyone.
Michael: You know, uh, I want you to forget about what I said. I was wrong. You two belong together. I'll take care of Lucille 2 for you.
Buster: Really?
Michael: Yeah.
Buster: Let her down easy. That right knee could go at any time. Starla!

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