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Quote from George Sr. in Best Man for the Gob

George Sr.: You put her in a darkened space, she's out. You get him drunk. He passes out. Then you cover the floor with corn syrup, mixed with a little red dye. He comes to. "Eee! Blood! Aaah!" He freaks out.
Gob: Okay. But how do you know that he's gonna leave the country?
George Sr.: That's why I got you those honeymoon tickets. You never thanked me for those.
Gob: I'm sorry. I meant to. I was gonna...
George Sr.: You just have to convince him that this happened.
Gob: That he killed a stripper?
George Sr.: Can you do this? Can I trust you? You're not gonna go all Michael on me, are ya?
Gob: Nobody's turning all Michael on you. But when you get out, then we're gonna have a real party. Right, Dad?
George Sr.: Are you kidding? When I get out of here you're gonna throw me the biggest party this town's ever seen. All right?

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