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Quote from Gob in Missing Kitty

George Michael: Hi, Uncle Gob. I came by to see if you need any help with your magic show.
Gob: Great.
George Michael: I think it's so great that you're doing this.
Gob: I'm prepping right now.
George Michael: How'd you get my Dad's permission?
Narrator: Suddenly, Gob remembered the promise he had made to stay away from Michael's son.
Gob: None of your damn business. Get the hell out of here.
George Michael: What?
Gob: You don't have the magic in you! You never did! [removes shirt] You don't have it here! So take a look. It's the last time you're gonna see these. [quietly] Sorry, kid, more than you'll ever-
George Michael: What?
Gob: Beat it!
Narrator: As Gob was forced to send away someone he loved-
Gob: You'll be missed.

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