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Quote from Gob in Altar Egos

Narrator: What had started as an innocent flirtation had turned into a series of escalating challenges. Unfortunately, the evening was draining and the one thing they never dared each other to do was consummate the marriage.
Gob: Well, guess it's time to seal the deal.
Bride of Gob: Oh, wait! What time is it? Oh, God! "Seal the deal." My seal deal! I gotta get to Sea Land. I'm selling five of their sickest seals to a third-world zoo.
Gob: Did you say seals?
Bride of Gob: Yes! I told you four hours ago, I sell seals! God! Do you ever listen to what I say?
Gob: I'm sorry I don't memorize every word that comes out of your mouth. Sometimes I just like to think... think my thoughts.
Bride of Gob: Ugh, we'll talk about this when I get home.

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