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Quote from Tobias in Staff Infection

Narrator: It was at that moment that George Sr reunited with his son-in-law.
Tobias: Father.
George Sr.: Tobias, what the hell are you doing here?
Tobias: I'm here to study with you, to learn from you. Teach me.
George Sr.: There's no teaching. There's no teaching.
White Power Bill: Who is this little [bleep]?
Tobias: Well, it's been quite awhile since anybody called me a tyke but, no, I am Dr. Tobias Funke. Or, with your help, Frightened Inmate #2. [chuckles] And who is this shiny building of a man?
George Sr.: Oh, I'm very scared right now.
Tobias: Oh, we're starting. Oh, yes. Let me get something to write with.

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