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Quote from Buster in Staff Infection

Narrator: Back at the construction site, Gob was also ready to take the afternoon off.
Gob: Screw this! I have my pride. I don't care how much they're paying me.
Construction Worker: You got paid? I thought we were all making sacrifices.
Gob: Yeah, well, maybe it's time for some of those big shots at the Bluth Company to start making some sacrifices. I say we shut down construction! [clattering stops]
Buster: Hey. Hey, what's happening? Why are we stopping? This is fun! We should do this just for the fun.
Gob: Easy for him to say. He got his paycheck too.
Man #1: Unbelievable.
Man #2: That's not right.
Buster: Come on, you douche bags. We're all on the same team!
Gob: Don't listen to him. He'll never stand up to the man. He's a chicken. A chicken. [caws]
Buster: My whole life you've called me a chicken, but that's over now. I have nothing to prove. [Gob caws and claps] That is not how a chicken sounds. Chickens don't clap! Chickens don't clap!

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