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Quote from Michael in Shock and Aww

Narrator: And so Michael got to know his son's ethics teacher.
Michael: Ethics right and wrong. How can one thing can be right and another one be wrong? I mean, which is which, you know? I guess that's the "Rrrr" of it. You know, so frustrating.
Beth Baerly: I don't know. I mean, they just threw this class at me after Mr. Daniels had a stroke.
Michael: I had him, Mr. Daniels. How is he?
Beth Baerly: Oh, he, you know, had a stroke.
Michael: Oh. Thought you were joking.
Beth Baerly: No, I was just laughing 'cause you were laughing.
Michael: Right. No. Yeah. Gosh. Hmm. Yeah. "Rrrr!"

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