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Quote from Gob in Colony Collapse

Narrator: The next few months were a blur of partying. And shame. But Gob had a trick for helping him forget the shame. Unfortunately it also helped him forget that he tried to forget the shame.
Gob: Hey, remember me?
Narrator: ...and soon Gob found himself experiencing what, on the street, is referred to as a roofie circle.
Gob: I won't forget this.
Narrator: ...whereby a roofie is taken the day after a degrading event too late to erase the memory of the degrading event itself, but not too late to erase the prior day's attempt to erase the event. Thus, with no memory of taking the roofie, but the memory of the event very much alive...
Gob: Ooh, I should grab a...
Narrator: The victim of the roofie circle finds himself constantly trying to re-erase the memory.
Gob: What's with the scary guy? [speaks Spanish]
Narrator: ...but only succeeds in erasing the memory of the attempt to erase the memory. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months...
Gob: What's with all the Christmas decorations?
Narrator: relationships grow testier. And what begins in shame...
Gob: Hey, remember me?
Narrator: almost always ends...
Gob: You remember me? You remember me?
Narrator: a Mexican hospital...
Gob: Remember me?
Narrator: with stage-four syphilis.

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