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Quote from Michael in The B. Team

Narrator: But even without her name, he knew his only chance with her was to be a real producer, and that meant getting a signature from a father whose face he hadn't seen in ages.
Lucille Austero: You're making me dizzy!
Narrator: And that's when he suddenly did.
Lucille Austero: We have to keep this quiet!
Michael: Dad?
Oscar: No, no.
Michael: Hi.
Lucille Austero: [o.s.] Don't say I'm down here. Right here.
Michael: Hey. What's going on?
Oscar: I just came back to get-
Lucille Austero: [o.s.] Don't acknowledge me.
Oscar: Get some suits, you know, so I can look like the uptight, dishonest, cheating boob that I am.
Michael: Well, I never said "boob." Although you are in the wrong Lucille's apartment, so unless you're looking for a Bob Mackie original, could be some truth to the cheating part.
Oscar: Yeah, well, I was in the desert, and I've lost my sense of direction.

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