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Quote from Tobias in Indian Takers

Narrator: To bond with her husband and prepare for her testimony, Lindsay had decided to attend an acting class with Tobias.
Lindsay: This is the first time I've actually done something like this with you. I think I always kind of looked down on it.
Tobias: You know, Lindsay, I think you'll find that some of what used to seem clueless about me is actually something I'm quite good at. This is where I belong.
Clinic Supervisor: If you're new here, you need to go to the window. Fill out this form first. And there's some personal questions on it, like how you first got hooked.
Tobias: Well, that's an easy one. You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown. No, Mame. No, ma'am... You're A Good Man... You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown.

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