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Quote from George Michael in Flight of the Phoenix

George Michael: Yeah, you see, that's the other thing, is that I kind of wanted to use this time to almost kind of, you know, wean off of the name George Michael.
Michael: What?
George Michael: I don't know, you know, you get older, you do a something search of your own name...
Narrator: In George Michael's case, you find this.
[news report:]
News Reporter: It was in this men's room in, get this, Beverly Hills, that singer George Michael was arrested for soliciting sex from an undercover cop.
Michael: Well, it was your mother's idea to call you George Michael and I think it was just so that we didn't confuse you with your Uncle George or your Grandfather George.
George Michael: Right.
Michael: I got it, let's call you Boy George.
[Wee O.C. news report:]
British News Reporter: Singer Boy George in the news again today, this time for sexual assault in a men's public bathroom. Beatrix Hebberly-Sneed, Wee BBC2.

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