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Quote from Michael in Flight of the Phoenix

George Michael: You know, I think I'll just I'll stick with George Michael. I mean, at least it was consensual. But I guess the bigger point I'm making is just that it's hard to have any privacy now that they've stuck me with an actual roommate.
Michael: Well, listen, I'm all for kicking P-Hound out, you know that.
George Michael: Well, I didn't really mean privacy from him.
Michael: I know, I know, I know. You want your space from me?
George Michael: Um-
Michael: Look, listen, hey, hey, look, look, listen. Listen, look it. Are you listening? You want your space. I get it. I did not mean to crowd you, pal. Listen, I thought that this was fun, and it is okay if you didn't see it that way.
George Michael: Oh, Dad.
Michael: Buddy, it's not like I don't have someplace to go. You know, I'll just go right back to the model home. They don't have internet there, so I'll just put the law school on pause. It's not like the first time that I've done that. Last time I did that, you were born.
George Michael: You know what?
Michael: Screw it. Maybe I'll just go to the real Phoenix and finish school. They got one in Costa Mesa. Plus they want me for an article. Media wants to talk to Daddy about the real-estate business, and once they do that, - I'm gonna be right back on top. You know what? This is your school rally shirt. Same size, medium. Do you know where mine is? We wear the same size like twin... We're just like twins... Couple of identical...

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