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Quote from Michael in Storming the Castle

Lindsay: He's having sex with a woman in his act?
Michael: I gotta tell Marta what's going on.
Lindsay: First of all, she'll hate you for it. It's called shoot the messenger. Secondly, it's not in your nature. I mean, you're like Mr. Morals. You can't even take a desk chair.
Michael: Damn it. l-I'm a saint, you know? I'm a living saint, and I get absolutely nothing out of it.
Lindsay: Well, you get a false feeling of superiority.
Michael: I know. That is nice, but this time, it's not enough. Why do I always have to be the one that has to set the good example for everyone?
George Michael: [enters in his leather biker outfit] Hey, guys.
Michael: Oh, that's why.

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