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Quote from Michael in Charity Drive

Narrator: While Lindsay was finding it difficult to be truly charitable, Michael was looking for an opportunity to rise to Lindsay's challenge and that's when he recognized his mother's fill-in housekeeper at a bus stop.
Michael: Hello there. You're not riding the bus today. Get in this car. I'm not taking no for an answer. Come on. Don't make me get out of this car and put you in here myself. That's right. Here we go.
Narrator: Unfortunately, the woman he picked up wasn't Lupe, but was a total stranger. And upon seeing bones, a shovel and what appeared to be blood, she realized he wasn't who she thought he was.
Woman: Mister, please. [speaks Spanish]
Michael: This is gonna be tricky. I don't speak Spanish.
Woman: Yo "escared".
Michael: Uh-huh. "Izquierdo." I know that one. Left turn it is, Mrs. They call me selfish.

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