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Quote from Lindsay in S.O.B.s

Lindsay: Maybe he does need this school. Did you see this letter? You know, it's done wonders for Maeby.
Michael: "Maeby is an exceptional young lady."
Lindsay: Exceptional.
Michael: "We are sure that she is destined for great things..."
Lindsay: Great things.
Michael: "and we wish her luck in all her..." It says, "over." Probably have to crack this open to be sure, but this sounds like an expulsion letter. "She's never been to class."
Lindsay: What kind of boarding school would lose track of its students?
Michael: Openings is not a boarding school.
Tobias: I thought it was a boarding school, too.
Narrator: Actually, Maeby had been on the set of a film called Snowboarding School 2, in her secret life as a film executive.

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