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Quote from Gob in S.O.B.s

Narrator: Meanwhile, Lucille went to work soliciting for the Bluth fund-raiser.
Lucille: I mean, we have plenty of money, don't get me wrong. But we can't use our personal assets to defend the company.
Narrator: Just then, Gob arrived and decided to have a laugh.
Gob: Your drink, madam. Can I get you anything?
Lucille: Get that one out of here.
Gob: As you please.
Narrator: But Lucille had never made eye contact with a waiter.
Waiter: Can you drop these off at two?
Gob: Why not. I'm just a waiter.
Narrator: So he kept it up.
Gob: We're all out of the halibut.
Narrator: The joke was over but the lunch rush was just beginning.

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