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Quote from Gob in Mr. F

Gob: They destroyed our town, but they can't take away our memories?
Buster: [into headset] Oh, I've...
Larry: had the time of my life.
Lucille: I think he's being sarcastic, Gob.
Buster: No, I'm not, Mother. I mean lover.
Larry: I like making love to Mother.
Buster: I mean lover!
Gob: Oh, my God, Buster, is that you?
Buster: Yes. Gob, it's just I wanted to spend some time with you. That's all. And you enjoyed it, you can't deny that.
Gob: I guess you're right. Maybe we should spend more time together.
Buster: Oh. I'd really like that.
Gob: It's weird. It took some idiot parrot man with a camera in his hat to bring us together. [Larry slaps Gob]
Narrator: But even a pro like Larry has a breaking point.

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