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Quote from Tobias in Righteous Brothers

Michael: Okay, let's just all put our tops down. Just put 'em on down. You're not goin' to Vegas?
Tobias: Sadly, my wife said no to my dream. So I shall continue to toil through this waking life.
Kitty: Wow, you are so real. Why can't I meet someone like you?
Narrator: And Michael decided that he better keep Kitty occupied with a man. At least until after his meeting.
Michael: Hey, gang, I got an idea. Tobias, why don't you take Kitty out for the afternoon?
Kitty: Michael?
Tobias: Michael, are you trying to set up your former assistant with your current assistant?
Michael: No, I wasn't-
Tobias: Hey, what a great idea for a Hugh Grant-Julia Roberts type movie.
Kitty: I recently heard that the actor, John Larroquette, was looking for a meaty character piece.

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