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Quote from Michael in Spring Breakout

Cal Cullen: Shady Pines is a wonderful facility up there on the hill. You know, they used to film Sugarfoot up there.
Michael: No?
Cal Cullen: Were you a fan of Sugarfoot?
Michael: I loved it.
Narrator: Sugarfoot had been off the air 12 years before Michael was born.
Cal Cullen: Well, sing the theme song of Sugarfoot along with me. [sings] Sugarfoot
Michael: Yeah, Sugarfoot...
Cal Cullen: Easy lopin', cattle-ropin', Sugarfoot...
Michael: Na, na, na...
Cal Cullen: Carefree as the tumbleweeds...
Michael: Huchah!
Cal Cullen: Oh, what the hell. You're a good kid. Let's make the deal.

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