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Quote from Michael in Altar Egos

Narrator: And suddenly, Michael recalled some non sequiturs from the night before.
Michael: So, tell me something personal about yourself.
Maggie Lizer: Uh, well, I have an irreversible case of ocular retinoblastoma.
Michael: Hey. I thought we said no more law talk.
Michael: I really can't see anybody right now.
Maggie Lizer: Oh, well, I can't see anybody ever.
Maggie Lizer: I'm blind.
Michael: I'm wasted.
Narrator: Michael realized that the woman he was attempting to never see again was blind and he was overcome with guilt.
Michael: When... can we go out again?
Maggie Lizer: Really? I thought you were, like, just into this one-night stand kind of thing.
Michael: Come on. I took a blind woman home with no intention of dating her again? Please!

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