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Quote from Michael in Shock and Aww

Beth Baerly: But, you know, I-I I really am antiwar and antiviolence.
Michael: Uh-huh.
Beth Baerly: And I think I'm an ethical person.
Michael: Right. Here's an ethical question. Can-Can a parent take a teacher out for a drink? Or...
Beth Baerly: I don't know. Uh, do you have a wife?
Michael: Yeah. But she's dead.
Beth Baerly: Oh. [both laugh] Have you ever been married?
Michael: Yeah, she died.
Beth Baerly: Oh. God, why are we laughing?
Michael: I don't... Well, it's the Mr. Daniels stroke thing all over again. Let's go get that drink.
Beth Baerly: Yeah, it could only help.
Michael: Rrrr!

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