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Quote from Buster in Public Relations

Narrator: And so the family gathered at the model home eager to hear their new publicist's plan.
Gob: Get jobs and behave?
Lindsay: Instead of us getting jobs why don't you do your job and tell everyone we've got jobs?
George Michael: You know, I have a job.
Tobias: [coughs] Kiss ass. Well, we were all thinking it.
Buster: Uh, I'm unclear about what it is exactly you do.
Jessie: Excellent question. What a publicist does-
Buster: No, no. I was talking to George Michael. When did you get a job?
George Michael: At the banana stand.
Buster: Oh! Duh. I thought you meant like a plumber or something. And I was like, "When did that happen?" [chuckles]

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