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Quote from Tobias in Public Relations

Narrator: Charged with the task of renewing his medical license Tobias was enjoying his first acting class with Carl Weathers.
Tobias: I don't know what your police captain told you about me but I'm a different breed of cop. I'm from the streets, and I'm the last cop you're ever gonna wanna mess with in a darkened alley. Dark alley. And I... [chuckles] Listen, Mr. Weathers, I don't know. Perhaps my wife was right. I don't know if I'm cut out to be a a De Niro or a Regis or a Pinkett-Smith or what have you.
Carl Weathers: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Tobias. Dreams are worth fighting for. Now, are you gonna be a fighter, or are you gonna be a doctor?
Tobias: You're right, Carl Weathers. I should just march into that restaurant where my wife works and tell her...
Carl Weathers: Your wife works in a restaurant? Do they get a shift meal or do they just pay half-price on select menu items?
Tobias: I don't know.
Carl Weathers: Well, let's find out, man.

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