Ava Quote #333

Quote from Ava in Wrong Delivery

Ava: No, I want a thicc Spider-Man, like 50 Cent. Should be Black anyways. Costume got a built-in durag.


 ‘Wrong Delivery’ Quotes

Quote from Barbara

Mr. Johnson: Don't take it so hard. Everybody gets dumped. If it can happen to Michael B. Jordan, it can happen to you.
Barbara: Now, that white boy sure can act. Ooh! I love those Back to the Future movies.
Together: Michael J. Fox.
Barbara: Hmm?

Quote from Barbara

Barbara: Well, if they do go with a Black actor, I hope they go with that Mr. Brian Austin Green. I'm so proud of that young man and all of his success.
Gregory: Uh...
Janine: Tuh-tuh-tuh!
[aside to camera:]
Janine: So, there are a bunch of white celebrities who Barbara thinks are Black. Like, Brian Austin Green would be Brian Tyree Henry.
[flashback to Barbara greeting her class:]
Barbara: Ooh, I see you, little Carrie Underwood. Good morning.
[aside to camera:]
Jacob: Kerry Washington.
[flashback to Barbara and Melissa leaving the school:]
Barbara: I'm going straight home, put on a little Millie Bobby Brown.
[aside to camera:]
Melissa: Bobby Brown.
[flashback to Barbara walking in the hallway with Ava:]
Barbara: No one's done more for Black actors than Tommy Lee Jones.
[aside to camera:]
Ava: James Earl Jones.
[aside to camera:]
Janine: And we just let her keep thinking that. It's easier.

Quote from Barbara

Barbara: And if they go with a woman, you cannot go wrong with the splendid, the wonderful Michelle Williams. Mm-mm-mm! Now, that is one talented diva. Mm, yes. Mm-hmm.
Jacob: She is arguably the third best child of Destiny.
Barbara: And all the way to the Academy Awards from Dawson's Creek. Oh, yes, Michelle. Mm.
Janine: So close.