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Quote from Barbara in Wrong Delivery

Barbara: Well, if they do go with a Black actor, I hope they go with that Mr. Brian Austin Green. I'm so proud of that young man and all of his success.
Gregory: Uh...
Janine: Tuh-tuh-tuh!
[aside to camera:]
Janine: So, there are a bunch of white celebrities who Barbara thinks are Black. Like, Brian Austin Green would be Brian Tyree Henry.
[flashback to Barbara greeting her class:]
Barbara: Ooh, I see you, little Carrie Underwood. Good morning.
[aside to camera:]
Jacob: Kerry Washington.
[flashback to Barbara and Melissa leaving the school:]
Barbara: I'm going straight home, put on a little Millie Bobby Brown.
[aside to camera:]
Melissa: Bobby Brown.
[flashback to Barbara walking in the hallway with Ava:]
Barbara: No one's done more for Black actors than Tommy Lee Jones.
[aside to camera:]
Ava: James Earl Jones.
[aside to camera:]
Janine: And we just let her keep thinking that. It's easier.

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