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Quote from Mr. Johnson in Franklin Institute

Gregory: How would I even get into the FBI?
Mr. Johnson: The same way you got into the notoriously hard-to-break-into landscaping industry... nepotism.
Gregory: You want to work in landscaping?
Mr. Johnson: Of course. I love nature. I'm a master forager. My specialty... mushrooms.
Gregory: I don't know how to leave this conversation.
Mr. Johnson: Eddie Lawn and Care doesn't even roll off the tongue. Mr. Johnson and Eddie Landscaping on the other hand? Now, that's a company you can trust.
Gregory: Okay, well, if I don't take the gig, I'll be sure to put in a good word for you.
Janine: Oh, see you, Gregory. Goodbye, Mr. Johnson. You know what? I'm just realizing I don't know your first name.
Mr. Johnson: When you get home tonight, look up in the sky. It's written in the stars.
Gregory: He on one today.

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