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Quote from Melissa in Teacher Conference

Kristin Marie: Just as soon as Melissa admits she makes a terrible bragioli.
Melissa: What, are you kidding me? I've seen you put regular bacon in your carbonara, ya googootz.
Kristin Marie: It was a delicious American fusion dish.
Melissa: That's a lot of confidence for someone wearing last year's espadrilles.
Woman: Hey. Watch where you're going, clearance section.
Kristin Marie: Excuse me?
Woman: Oh, could you not hear me over your loud-ass outfit?
Melissa: Whoa! You throwing stones with those extensions? You look like you get your hair done at the mall.
Kristin Marie: In the parking lot.
Melissa: You show your hairdresser a picture of Beetlejuice and go, "Do that"?
Kristin Marie: Yeah, h-how many black eyes did Beetlejuice have again? Was it one or two?
Melissa: I forget.
Kristin Marie: Let's say two.
Melissa: Let's say two. [the woman scurries away] We still got it.
Kristin Marie: [chuckles] Yeah, we do.

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