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Quote from Barbara in Fire

Miss Janet: I'm talking about Barbara Howard.
Gregory: Are you sure you don't mean Janine?
Miss Janet: I'm sure. Listen, I've been with people in the aftermath of some tough situations... Heart attacks, flooding, wig falling off at an assembly. Nothing shakes people up more than a fire. There's usually something under the surface.
Gregory: I feel like you're reading her wrong. Barbara is the most together and collected person at this school. She's made mistakes, but she moved on...
Barbara: [enters] Oh! Miss Janet. There you are. I just wanted to reiterate that I am fine.
Miss Janet: Is that all?
Barbara: Also, I wanted to add that I never listen to Chaka Khan's "Through the Fire" when it comes up on my Pandora. "I'm Every Woman," not a pyromaniac. [Gregory looks to camera]
Gregory: No one was thinking that, Barbara.
Barbara: I know, but I just wanted to make sure that it was on the record. You know, in that little... fact-finding notebook of hers. Facts. [exits]
Gregory: It's worrisome. But I still think you should take a look at Janine.

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