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Quote from Mr. Johnson in Candy Zombies

Jacob: Mm. Vision. I love it.
Mr. Johnson: Lil Uzi Vert. I'd be sure to throw away all my trash today.
Jacob: Oh, right. Of course. Ant season?
Mr. Johnson: Ghost season.
Jacob: [laughs] That's funny.
Mr. Johnson: Nothing funny about it, playboy. The janitor used to work right here... spent his days picking up trash. Was good at it, too. But he couldn't stop people from leaving their trash everywhere. And it haunted him till the day he died mysteriously on Halloween, right here, in the very basement of this school.
Jacob: What?
Mr. Johnson: Every Halloween, if you listen closely, you can hear the wheels of his mop bucket rolling down there. [thunder crashes]
Jacob: Oh!

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