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Quote from Gregory in Candy Zombies

Janine: Guess she has a thing for Kevin Hart in Soul Plane. [laughs]
Gregory: One, he did not play a pilot in that. Two, we, as a society, do not talk about Sully Sullenberger enough.
Janine: I'd say he's had his time.
Gregory: He landed an Airbus of people safely on a river!
Janine: Okay, I'm just saying that, as a pilot, like, half his job is landing, so he kind of was just doing his job.
Gregory: Wow.
Janine: Shouldn't have had a movie before Harriet Tubman.
Gregory: Tom Hanks can't play her. And I don't know why that's Mr. Sullenberger's problem. I will not rest until the world gives that man the respect that he deserves! [both laugh]

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