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Quote from Jacob in Juice

Jacob: I saw an unfamiliar man milling about the rack this morning.
Ava: Okay, well, what did he look like?
Jacob: ... U-Uh, I would say he had a, you know, somewhat curly and spherical haircut.
Ava: An afro?
Jacob: It was... Some might call it... You know what, this feels reductive.
Ava: No, no, no! No, let's get to the bottom of this. Would you describe this person as someone who might have difficulty getting a loan?
Jacob: You know what? It's fine. [laughs] Was it really ever my bike, anyways? You know, does anyone really own anything? I will, uh, leave you to ponder that query, and, uh, adieu. [drops bike helmet in the Lost and Found box] I suppose I won't be needing this. [Ava laughs]

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