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Quote from Barbara in Juice

Janine: What do you think, Barbara?
Barbara: I say no. The kids aren't complaining. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Melissa: I'm with Barbara.
Janine: Okay, well, I'm for it, but I would love to discuss further-
Barbara: I have been here a long time, Janine. Trust me. New projects mean new problems.
Melissa: Mm-hmm.
Janine: [scoffs] What problems could there possibly be? "Oh, no, help me. I'm hurting..." from getting too much of my daily recommended fruit servings. [Jacob laughs] There's no downside here.
Barbara: It seems like you have made up your mind. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go teach my children what happens if you give a moose a muffin.
Melissa: It does not end well.

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